An overlay contains an file and an overlay.html file.
Stream Overlay Studio supports Less (version 2.7.1) and Scss (version 3.4.4).
Look at the example overlay in the folder "www/overlay/example".
Use Case Examples
Multiple Layer Overlay
Your template need multiple layers?
Use this url for the browser source:
layer and layer-x are examples, but the second part must begin with a letter and must not contain any space!
Add this to your overlay:
JavaScript new QueryOverlayWidget(".layer", "layer", "layer-default");
HTML <div class="layer layer-1 layer-default"><!-- HTML-Elements for layer 1 --></div>
HTML <div class="layer layer-2"><!-- HTML-Elements for layer 2 --></div>
And use window.OverlayQuery['layer']
in your JavaScript to load only needed Scripts and Widgets:
JavaScript if(window.OverlayQuery['layer'] == "layer-1"
|| window.OverlayQuery['layer'] == "layer-default") {
/* JavaScript for layer 1 and default layer */ }
Change overlay by scene switch
You have one scene for game play with a small webcam and one scene with only a big webcam?
Add to your first scene another browser source (not global!) with the url:
and in your second scene a browser source (not global!) with the url:
gameplay and webcam are the template folder name, which is als known as the template ident.
_last is the marker for the current selected theme if you have more than one for your template.
Basic Information and Helper Functions
Template Configuration
HTML <div class="config" data-fade-in="0" data-fade-out="0"></div>
- data-fade-in
- template fade in duration in milliseconds
- data-fade-out
- template fade out duration in milliseconds
Attention: class="config"
is necessary
Insert your JavaScript in the window.overlay-ready
event handler:
JavaScript $(window).one("overlay-ready", function (evt, socket) {
/* insert your code here */
Attention: use .one
instead of .on
You can use window.overlay-cleanup
to call clean up functions after hiding the current template.
Overlay Animation
Some widgets supports overlay animations, configure it with the HTML data-* attributes.
- data-animation optional
- string - "bottom-top", "top-bottom", "left-right", "right-left" and "none", default: none
- data-animation-out optional
- same as data-animation, use for hide element, default: data-animation
- data-animation-duration optional
- number - animation duration in milliseconds, default: 0
- data-animation-duration-out optional
- same as data-animation-duration, use for hide element, default: data-animation-duration
- data-animation-fade optional
- number - fade duration in milliseconds, default: 0
- data-animation-fade-out optional
- same as data-animation-fade, use for hide element, default: data-animation-fade
- data-animation-distance optional
- number - start/end distance for the element in px, default: 0
- data-animation-distance-out optional
- same as data-animation-distance, use for hide element, default: data-animation-distance
CSS Helper Classes
JavaScript new StudioPanelControllerCssHelperOverlayWidget();
This class add panel-has-{panel-ident}
css classes to the <body>
for every panel that is active, should be used before StudioPanelControllerOverlayWidget.
JavaScript new TwitchSupporterCssHelperOverlayWidget();
This class add twitch-supporter-has-{follow|donation|subscription|cheer}
css classes to the <body>
if the activity available, should be used before TwitchSupporterLastSupporterTextOverlayWidget.
Show notification panels from plugin Supports/Donation.
JavaScript new StudioNotificationOverlayWidget(panelSelector);
- panelSelector
- string or jQuery or HTMLElement
HTML <div class="notification"
- data-type
- string - "donation", "follow", "subscription", "resubscription", "host", "cheer"
- data-visible-duration
- number - visible duration in milliseconds
- data-volume-x optional
- number - audio volume, -x = optional for donation (amount) and resubscription (months)
- data-audio-x optional
- string - audio file, -x = optional for donation (amount) and resubscription (months)
- data-voice-volume optional
- number - volume of speech synthesis, number between 0 - 100, 0: no speech synthesis
- data-voice-rate optional
- number - speed of speech synthesis, number between 0 - 100, default: 50
- data-voice-pitch optional
- number - pitch of speech synthesis, number between 0 - 100, default: 50
- data-waiting-for-audio optional
- 0 or 1 - waiting for finish audio before run speech and start visible timer, default: 1
- data-animation-* optional
- Support for Overlay Animation
- random-strength optional
- number - if multiple panels selected choose random, strength increases the probability, default: 1
If all entries has -1, the next entry is selected and so on.
- data-min-months optional
- number - (for resubscription) use panel with at least x months resubscription, default: 0
- data-min-amount optional
- number - (for donation) use panel with at least x amonth donation, default: 0
- data-min-bits optional
- number - (for cheers) use panel with at least x bits cheer, default: 0
- data-months optional
- number - (for resubscription) use panel with x months resubscription, default: 0
- data-amount optional
- number - (for donation) use panel with x amonth donation, default: 0
- data-bits optional
- number - (for cheers) use panel with x bits cheer, default: 0
- css class .prime optional
- (for subscription and resubscription) use panel for prime, default: 0
- data-emotes optional
- 0 or 1 - (for cheers, donation and resubscription) show emotes as images in .message, default: 0
- data-emotes-size optional
- number - (for cheers, donation and resubscription) emote size (1, 2 or 3), default: 1
Classes for content
Type "donation"
- .name
- Name of donator
- .amount
- Amount of donation
- .currency-symbol
- Currency symbol of donation (€)
- .currency
- Currency text of donation (EUR)
- .message
- Message of donation
Type "follow"
- .name
- Name of follower
Type "host"
- .name
- Name of host
- .viewers
- Viewers of host
Speech Synthesis
- .speech
- Text for speech synthesis
HTML <span class="name"></span> has
<span class="amount"></span>
<span class="currency-symbol"></span> donated.<br>
<div class="message speech"></div>
Type "cheer"
- .name
- Name of subscriber
- .message
- Message of cheer
- .bits
- Bits of cheer
- Options for .message
- data-cheer-theme: light or dark
- data-cheer-type: animated or static
- data-cheer-size: 1, 2, 3 or 4
Type "raid"
- .name
- Name of raid
- .viewers
- Viewers of raid
Type "subscription"
- .name
- Name of subscriber
- .tier-value
- Tier of subscribtion
- Note
- add CSS class "prime prime-temp" to panel if prime
Type "giftsubscription"
- .name
- Name of subscriber
- .recipient
- recipient of subscribtion gift
- .tier-value
- Tier of subscribtion gift
Type "resubscription"
- .name
- Name of resubscriber
- .months
- Months of resubscription
- .tier-value
- Tier of subscribtion
- .count
- Number of resubscriptions (month+1)
- .message
- Message of resubscription
- .months-text.single
- Text show for one month
- .months-text.multiple
- Text show for more than one months
- Note
- add CSS class "prime" to panel if prime
Month example:
HTML <span class="name"></span> tanks for
<span class="months-text single"> your additional </span>
<span class="months-text multiple"> your <span class="months"></span> months</span>
Prime example:
<div class="notification" data-type="subscription" >
Thanks for your subscription<br>
<div class="notification prime" data-type="subscription" >
Thanks for your prime subscription<br>
Show HTML elements by url.
JavaScript new QueryOverlayWidget(panelSelector, queryPart, defaultLayerClassName);
- panelSelector
- string or jQuery or HTMLElement - elements selected with
- queryPart
- string - the query part
- defaultLayerClassName optional
- string - css class name, if no query defined show layer with this class name
Show pause panels from plugin Pause.
JavaScript new StudioPauseOverlayWidget(panelSelector, textSelector);
- panelSelector
- group element, string or jQuery or HTMLElement - elements selected with
- textSelector
- string or jQuery or HTMLElement - must be child from panelSelector
- data-animation-* optional
- Support for Overlay Animation
Show pause panels from plugin Pause with timer, duration text must contains only numbers (in minutes)!
JavaScript new StudioPauseTimerOverlayWidget(panelSelector, textSelector, options);
- panelSelector
- string or jQuery or HTMLElement - elements selected with
- textSelector
- string or jQuery or HTMLElement - must be child from panelSelector
- options
- object: {release_text: string - text if the time released, single_text: string - text if only one minute left, pattern: string - text with {minutes} placeholder e.g. "In {minutes} minutes it goes on."}
- HTML: or as data-pausetimer-* attribute, with hyphen instead of dash
Show panels from plugin PanelController.
JavaScript new StudioPanelControllerOverlayWidget(panelSelector);
- panelSelector
- group element, string or jQuery or HTMLElement, elements selected with
- data-animation-* optional
- Support for Overlay Animation
- Note
- Add CSS class "panel-controller-is-active" to controlled elements
- Add CSS class "panel-is-visible" to element if the element should be visible
- Add CSS class "panel-has-{ident}" to body if the element should be visible
Teammates Text Widget
Show teammates from plugin Teammates
JavaScript new StudioTeammatesTextOverlayWidget(panelSelector, options);
- panelSelector
- string or jQuery or HTMLElement
- options
- object: {empty: string - text if no element active, pre_text: string - show text only if more than 0 elements active, join_last: string - string to join last element, join: string - string to join elements}
- HTML: or as data-teammates-* attribute, with hyphen instead of dash
Show image for current game, game must be saved and image must be in the correct folder.
JavaScript new TwitchGameImageOverlayWidget(panelSelector, imagePath);
- panelSelector
- string or jQuery or HTMLElement
- imagePath
- string - with {game.ident} e.g. "./images/logo-{game.ident}.png"
Game Text Widget
Show name from current game.
JavaScript new TwitchGameTextOverlayWidget(panelSelector, options);
- panelSelector
- string or jQuery or HTMLElement
- options
- object: {hide_parent: boolean - hide if game empty, parent: string or jQuery or HTMLElement or null}
Show channel title.
JavaScript new TwitchTitleTextOverlayWidget(panelSelector);
- panelSelector
- string or jQuery or HTMLElement
Show last supporter from plugin Supporter.
JavaScript new TwitchSupporterLastSupporterTextOverlayWidget(panelSelector, options);
- panelSelector
- string or jQuery or HTMLElement (group only identical elements)
- options
- object: {empty: string - string if no entries available, join: string - string to join elements, scroll: boolean, scroll_speed: number - duration in milliseconds, type: string - "donation", "follow", "subscription", "host", "cheer",
limit: number}
Show song data from plugin Monstercat.
JavaScript new TwitchMonstercatCurrentSongOverlayWidget(panelSelector);
<div class="panel-selector">
<div class="data"><span class="song"></span></div>
<div class="data unknown">unknown</div>
.data.unknown { display: none; }
.empty .data { display: none; }
.empty .data.unknown { display: block; }
- panelSelector
string or jQuery or HTMLElement - contains child elements with the following css classes:
.song: song,
.artist: artist,
.spotifyUrl: spotify url,
.bpm: beats per minute,
.duration: duration,
.genre: genre,
.cover: cover will set as background-image
Has class .empty if no song available.
Show remote webcam from plugin Remote Webcam.
JavaScript new StudioRemoteWebcamOverlayWidget();
HTML <div data-remote-webcam="name"></div>
- data-remote-webcam
- string - name for position
Dyn. Text Insertion Widget
Show dynamic text insertion (lower third) from plugin Dyn. Text Insertion.
JavaScript new StudioDynTextInsertionOverlayWidget(panelSelector);
- panelSelector
string or jQuery or HTMLElement - contains child elements with the following css classes:
.title: title of the insertion,
.text: text of the insertion
HTML <div class="panel-selector" data-template="template"></div>
- data-template
- string - template name
- data-template-group optional
- string - grouping different template names for wait previous option, default: template name
- data-volume optional
- number - audio volume, default: 0
- data-audio optional
- string - audio file, default: empty
- data-animation-* optional
- Support for Overlay Animation
Show current time.
JavaScript new DateTimeOverlayWidget(panelSelector);
- panelSelector
- string or jQuery or HTMLElement
- data-datetime-lang optional
- string - language for text formates, default: studio language
- data-datetime-format optional
- string - format string, default: HH:mm
- Note
- You find all prossible locals and formates here.
Show twitch chat as list.
JavaScript new TwitchChatListOverlayWidget(panelSelector);
- panelSelector
- string or jQuery or HTMLElement
- data-scroll-duration optional
- number - list scroll speed in milliseconds, default: 0
- data-animation-fade optional
- number - duration for fading in milliseconds, default: 0
- data-insert-animation optional
- string - animations: "left-right" and "right-left", default: null
- data-insert-animation-duration optional
- number - duration for insert animation in milliseconds, default: 0
- data-lifetime optional
- number - how long text should visible in milliseconds, default: 0
- data-emotes optional
- 0 or 1 - show emotes as images in text, default: 0
- data-emotes-size optional
- number - emote size (1, 2 or 3), default: 1
- data-cheer-theme optional
- string - light or dark, default: light
- data-cheer-type optional
- string - animated or static, default: static
- data-cheer-size optional
- number - 1, 2, 3 or 4, default: 1
Show twitch chat as line.
JavaScript new TwitchChatLineOverlayWidget(panelSelector);
- panelSelector
- string or jQuery or HTMLElement
- data-animation-fade optional
- number - duration for fading in milliseconds, default: 0
- data-insert-animation optional
- string - animations: "left-right" and "right-left", default: null
- data-insert-animation-duration optional
- number - duration for insert animation in milliseconds, default: 0
- data-lifetime optional
- number - how long text should visible in milliseconds, default: 0
- data-emotes optional
- 0 or 1 - show emotes as images in text, default: 0
- data-emotes-size optional
- number - emote size (1, 2 or 3), default: 1
- data-cheer-theme optional
- string - light or dark, default: light
- data-cheer-type optional
- string - animated or static, default: static
- data-cheer-size optional
- number - 1, 2, 3 or 4, default: 1
Show twitch chat as box, like notification.
JavaScript new TwitchChatBoxOverlayWidget(panelSelector);
- panelSelector
string or jQuery or HTMLElement - contains child elements with the following css classes:
.username: username,
.time: time,
.message: message
- data-animation-* optional
- Support for Overlay Animation
- data-visible-duration optional
- number - visible duration in milliseconds, default: 2000
- data-max-concurrent-entries optional
- number - how many entries should display at the same time, default: 1
- move-direction optional
- string - move direction for concurrent entries (possible values: "left", "right", "top", "bottom"), default: animation direction
- data-horizontal-factor optional
- number - move distance for horizontal concurrent entries (possible values: 1 or 2), default: 1
- data-time-locale optional
- string - language for text formates, default: studio language
- data-time-format optional
- string - format string, default: HH:mm
- data-only-username optional
- 0 or 1 - don't add ":" after username, default: 0
- data-emotes optional
- 0 or 1 - show emotes as images in text, default: 0
- data-emotes-size optional
- number - emote size (1, 2 or 3), default: 1
- data-cheer-theme optional
- string - light or dark, default: light
- data-cheer-type optional
- string - animated or static, default: static
- data-cheer-size optional
- number - 1, 2, 3 or 4, default: 1
- Note
- You find all prossible locals and formates here.
Show current time.
JavaScript new TwitchSupporterStatisticsOverlayWidget(panelSelector);
- panelSelector
string or jQuery or HTMLElement - contains child elements with the following css classes:
.total-follower: all follower,
.current-follower: new follower in this session
.total-subscribers: all subscribers,
.current-subscribers: new subscribers in this session,
.current-resubscribers: new resubscribers in this session,
.current-all-subscribers: new subscribers and resubscribers in this session,
.current-hosters: current hosters,
.current-donators: new donations in this session,
.current-donations: sum donation amounts in this session,
.current-cheers: new cheers in this session,
.current-cheer-bits: new bits in this session,
<div class="panel-selector">
<div>Followers: <span class="total-follower" data-stats-text="1"></span></div>
<div>Target Today:
<span class="bar-container">
<span class="current-follower" data-stats-text="1">25</span>
<span class="current-follower" data-stats-text="0" data-stats-percent="25" data-stats-maxpercent="100" /* style for nice bar */></span>
- data-stats-text optional
- 0 or 1 - show value as text, default: 1
- data-stats-percent optional
- number - use value as style width in percent, value is the nominator, number is the denominator, default: 0
- data-stats-maxpercent optional
- number - cover percent width to this number, default: null
Scrolls child element if it not fit in the container.
JavaScript new MarqueeOverlayWidget(panelSelector);
- panelSelector
string or jQuery or HTMLElement - contains one child element which will scrollable
- data-marquee-speed optional
- number - scroll duration in milliseconds, default: 15000
- data-marquee-gap optional
- number - gap between duplicated entries, default: 0
- data-marquee-direction optional
- string - direction "left", "right", "up", "down", default: "left"
Text Animation Widget
Create text animation on element.
JavaScript new TextAnimationOverlayWidget(panelSelector, animation, options);
- panelSelector
- string - jQuery selector string
- animation
- string - "pulse", "resize-shake" or "shake"
- options
- object: {duration: string - css animation duration (1s, 1000ms) default:empty, iterations: number - css animation iterations (infinite,2,...) default:empty }